April 07, 2010

by Judy del Cuadro-Zimmerman in Washington DC

When I signed up for Mongol Rally I knew that I would need at least a five weeks to complete the journey. Unfortunately, the start date for Mongol Rally is July 23 meaning we will finish, at the earliest, around the end of August. But school starts on August 23—around the time we expect to be in Kazakhstan! This is when I began plotting how to get out of going back to school in Washington, D.C. My grand plan—go to law school somewhere else.

After endless paperwork, numerous harassing phone calls to Washington College of Law’s administration, and months of worry, I will be studying law in Barcelona, Spain during the fall semester. Conveniently, ESADE Law School’s start date is mid-September, which should give me just enough time to reach Mongolia and then trek back to Spain. Now I can officially participate in Mongol Rally without being a law school dropout. Phew, If I am lucky, Stephen will agree to drive me to Barcelona in the MMMobile! -Judy